Agristretch 7k - Agriplast

AGRISTRETCH 7K® 7 layers

Agristretch 7k® is a 25 micron-thick extensible film produced with bubble extrusion technology on a 7-layer plant. The technique of protecting the silage collected on a bale through an extensible film band requires a perfect balance between mechanical characteristics, adhesion and tightening capabilities, oxygen waterproofing, durability, temperature control.

Agristretch is an excellent solution for the protection of silage because it fully meets all the requirements required for this type of film ensuring a perfect preservation of nutritional characteristics. Agristretch can be produced in the range cm. 50 with length ml. 1,800 and weigh 22 kg. and cm. 75 with ml length. 1,500 and weigh 28 kg. Both bands can be produced in Black, White and Green colors.